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NOMADIC LIVING Relocatable Residences

The four walls that we inhabit are far more than just a roof over our heads - it's the place where our personal and unique life is played out with all its complexities and nuances. It is not uncommon when we move to feel regret that we cannot simply take our abode, the focus of our lives, along with us. For many people it is increasingly important to be able to move easily, to be able to react spontaneously to personal desires or life changes of all kinds.


AutorKRAMER, Sibylle

Precio socio sin IVA: 48,27€

Precio socio con IVA: 50,20€

Precio no socio con IVA: 52,84€

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  • Envío en 24-48 horas, días laborables

  • Devoluciones en 30 días

  • ¿Tienes dudas? Tlf. 93 224 39 32