How is Life? Designing for our Earth View larger

How is Life? Designing for our Earth

Human activities since the Industrial Revolution have exceeded the planetary boundary, causing climate change and the North-South disparity. How should we live in an era of 'prosperity without growth' in line with the natural regenerative capacity of our planet, and how should architecture be in this context? This book summarizes the contents of the ambitious exhibition 'How is Life' held at TOTO GALLERY·MA, and includes additional articles and interviews by the supervisors.


AutorKUAN, Seng
AutorTANE, Tsuyoshi
AutorTSUKAMOTO, Yoshiharu
AutorCHIBA, Manabu
EditorialToto Publishing

Precio socio sin IVA: 38,83€

Precio socio con IVA: 40,38€

Precio no socio con IVA: 42,50€

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