2G Nº89, Bast View larger

2G Nº89, Bast

BAST have taken a proactive attitude to research in order to experiment with the diverse potentialities of each project. At each step of the design phase, they propose multiple different solutions. As a result, they do not follow a set formal method, instead, their projects go through an evolutionary process. BAST's architecture practice is located in Toulouse, France.



Preu soci sense IVA: 38,46€

Preu soci amb IVA: 40,00€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 41,00€

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  • Enviament en 24-48 hores, dies laborables

  • Devolucions en 30 dies

  • Tens dubtes? Tlf. 93 224 39 32