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Fassaden / Facades View larger

Fassaden / Facades

The facade serves as the building's public face, allowing rapid assessment of its architecture. Best of DETAIL: Facades explores this topic with theoretical discussions and an in-depth look at a range of selected projects, which, besides showcasing suitable materials and designs, give the reader a detailed look behind the scenes. It turns out that quality architecture can only result from a coherency between the facade, structure, internal organisation and building services.

200 p.: fot., colour, 30x21,5 cm., paperback


AutorSCHITTICH, Christian
AutorLENZEN, Steffi

Preu soci sense IVA: 49,45€

Preu soci amb IVA: 51,43€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 54,13€

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