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NEW YORK_GLOBAL. Critical Writings and Proposals 1970-2020. View larger

NEW YORK_GLOBAL. Critical Writings and Proposals 1970-2020.

On the eve of Plunz's status as Emeritus at Columbia University, New York_Global bridges five decades of his pedagogical commitment to question the cannons of the design and urbanism fields and their relationship to the contemporary built environment. Global urbanization serves as a backdrop for a heightened consideration of the intermingling of housing, infrastructure, and pedagogy, as he negotiates the evolution of mainstream theory and praxis in architecture and planning.


AutorPLUNZ, Richard

Preu soci sense IVA: 36,54€

Preu soci amb IVA: 38,00€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 40,00€

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