The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 1. 1890-1959 View larger

The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 1. 1890-1959

In this mighty first volume, Jens Müller traces 70 years of graphic design, designers, and developments from the late 19th century through the economic boom after World War II, spanning designs that would form the basis for further revolutions. Year-by-year spreads are combined with in-depth features on hundreds of landmark projects, industry-leader profiles, as well as visual timelines of each decade.


AutorMÜLLER, Jens

Preu soci sense IVA: 54,81€

Preu soci amb IVA: 57,00€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 60,00€

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  • Enviament en 24-48 hores, dies laborables

  • Devolucions en 30 dies

  • Tens dubtes? Tlf. 93 224 39 32

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