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Paper art now! View larger

Paper art now!

shows you many of the opportunities that paper offers art lovers, making three-dimensional shapes through the use of bending and folding techniques and playing with colors and light effects, thereby making innovative usi of paper. They help us learn about the various ways that paper can be used, where imagination combined with technique can give rise to the most breathtaking works both for their beauty and their meaning. English / Spanish. 190 p .: fot., Color, 24x18.5 cm ., tapa dura



Preu soci sense IVA: 23,66€

Preu soci amb IVA: 24,61€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 25,90€

Afegir a la llista de la compra

  • Enviament en 24-48 hores, dies laborables

  • Devolucions en 30 dies

  • Tens dubtes? Tlf. 93 224 39 32