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nps tschoban voss: vom detail zum stadtraum = from detail to urban space View larger

nps tschoban voss: vom detail zum stadtraum = from detail to urban space

This book presents about forty buildings and projects, including the World Trade Center in Dresden, the Oval Office and SAGA's administrative headquarters in Hamburg, the DomAquarée and Chabad Lubavitch synagogue in Berlin, the Überseequartier in Hamburg, and the Federation Tower in Moscow. Text en anglès i alemany.223 p.: il., fot., plantes, 31x25 cm, tapa dura


AutorJAEGER, Falk

Preu soci sense IVA: 65,70€

Preu soci amb IVA: 68,33€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 71,93€

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