Building Communities. Rehabilitation and Housing in Barcelona & Zurich. View larger

Building Communities. Rehabilitation and Housing in Barcelona & Zurich.

In a situation of global crisis, collective housing can help to give stability and to restore the confidence that seems to have been lost in many layers of current society. Trust in neighbours, in counting on them, generating a community in which one can feel accompanied and can be supported at any time, it is a necessity that architecture can collaborate to solve decisively.


AutorFLORES, Ricardo
AutorPRATS, Eva

Preu soci sense IVA: 18,27€

Preu soci amb IVA: 19,00€

Preu no soci amb IVA: 20,00€

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  • Enviament en 24-48 hores, dies laborables

  • Devolucions en 30 dies

  • Tens dubtes? Tlf. 93 224 39 32